Are you ready to love the new you?

What is The Genuis RF Microneedling Treatment?

Lutronic Genius RF Microneedling combines Radiofrequency with Microneedling to target multiple depths of your skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

Both mechanisms of Microneedling and heating tissue with Radiofrequency causes injury to the tissue beneath the epidermis (top layer of the skin). Injury triggers the body’s natural healing cascade which in turn promotes the building of new collagen and elastin.

How Does Radio-Frequency Work to Improve Skin?

Radio-frequency energy heats the tissue to stimulate subdermal
collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines,
scarring and loose skin on the face and body. Genius RF induces tissue
remodeling with the production of new collagen and elastin to provide an
alternative to a facelift and other cosmetic surgeries.

The Aging Process and RF Energy

The more we age, the more collagen is lost from our skin tissues.
Collagen and elastin protein fibers in the skin lose their structure and
don’t function as well as they once did. As a result of these changes,
the skin experiences a decline in elasticity, structure, and health.

When the natural flexibility and tautness of the skin is lost,
sagging occurs, along with the formation of wrinkles. Consequently, the
natural contours that define your face lose shape, giving you a less
youthful appearance.

RF (radiofrequency) energy is a widely researched tool that is used
in cosmetic treatments. It works deep within the layers of the skin,
heating it to the temperature required to naturally stimulate the
production of new collagen. The energy causes coagulation, regenerating
collagen and elastin fibers. This tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles,
and makes the skin look younger

If you are ready to love the new you. book your Genius RF Microneedling consult today. call or text Amy Friedman L.E. at 631-522-3139